How are you “Preparing” during Advent?

Advent is a time of “joyful” anticipation. What could be more joyful than approaching the altar of the Lord at Christmas Mass free from sin? It used to be common to have a Communal Penance Service during Advent and Lent, however, it is difficult to gather enough priests together to adequately meet the needs of a large group during Advent, another casualty of the priest shortage? But have no fear. More times for Penance have been added to the schedule these next few weeks, so please take part in the Sacrament of Penance at one of the following times:

Saturday, 12/16:                 3:00pm-4:15pm at Sacred Heart, before Mass

Sunday, 12/17:                   8:15am-8:45am before the 9am Mass at St. Mary/St. Charles &

                                           After the 11:00am Mass at St. Clement

Tuesday, 12/19:                 5:30pm before the 6:00pm Mass at St. Mary/St. Charles