2021 RTL Focus on LIFE Dinner
Please contact Nancy Barber with an questions at 231 627 3451.
Job Opportunities
Job Opportunities at Bishop Baraga Catholic School Now offering a $1,500 signing bonus for teacher positions. We are seeking 2 full time Lower Elementary Teachers to join our talented and…
Baptism Preparation Meeting
There will be a meeting for all parents considering Baptism in the near future for their children on Sunday August 8th in the St Mary/St Charles parish meeting room immediately…
Register for Faith Formation
It’s time to register for fall religious education programs with CPR Parishes. Please register here: https://membership.faithdirect.net/events/details/7206 for family faith formation (k-8th grade), high school youth group (9th-12th grade), sacramental preparation…
Liturgical Minister Training
All Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Greeters/Ushers are asked to attend one of the following training sessions: Tuesday, August 10th at 6:30 PM at St. Mary/St. Charles Wednesday,…
Bible in a Year Group
Man O’ Man it’s Finally here! The Bible in a Year group with Father Mike Schmitz will be meeting in person! Please come to St. Mary/St. Charles Church basement on…