8:15 am at Bishop Baraga,
9:30 am at Sacred Heart,
12:30 pm at St. Clement, &
6 pm at St. Mary/St. Charles.
Author: Angela Marion Ross
We have added times for the Sacrament of Penance during Advent
Priests will be available:
Sat. 12/14 at 3:45pm at Sacred Heart until 4:20pm,
Sun. 12/15 at 8am before 9am Mass and after Mass if requested or not able to finish before Mass,
Sun. 12/15 at 10:30am before the 11am Mass at St. Clement and after if requested,
& Tue. 12/17 at 5:30pm before 6pm Mass at SMSC.
Mass of Thanksgiving
Our Mass of Thanksgiving will be held
on Tuesday, November 26, at 6 pm
at St. Mary/St. Charles of Cheboygan.
All Saints Day and All Souls Day
November 1 is All Saints Day. It is also 1st Friday. There will be Mass at SMSC at 8:30am and Adoration with Exposition will follow immediately after Holy Communion. The Blessed Sacrament will be reposed at 6pm, however, because of Mass at Sacred Heart, there will be no Evening Prayer or Benediction.
The other Masses for the Holy Day of Obligation will be at Bishop Baraga Catholic School at 10 am (children may dress as their favorite Saint for Mass. Parents check with your teachers to see how to work out the details). There will be a Mass at St. Clement in Pellston at 12:30pm and a 6pm Mass at Sacred Heart of Riggsville.
Saturday, November 2, is All Souls Day. The Remembrance the the Dead will be celebrated at the 4:30 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart of Riggsville.
Welcome Receptions for Father Thomas Philip
Welcome Receptions for Father Thomas Philip begin this weekend (September 14-15) after the 4:30 pm Mass at Sacred Heart on Saturday, and after the 9 am Mass at St. Mary/St. Charles on Sunday.
Next week, Sunday the 22nd, there will be a reception for him following the 11am Mass at St. Clement. Come welcome him to our community!
CHANGE in Mass times/locations for Festival Weekend, Aug. 24 & 25
The CPR Parishes Festival is on Sunday, August 25, from 12 noon to 4 pm at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Because of this event and the volunteers needed to make it happen, we have moved Saturday’s (August 24th) 4:30 pm Mass to St. Clement in Pellston, and Sunday’s (August 25th) 11 am Mass will be held at Sacred Heart of Riggsville, so that afterward, parishioners can attend the Festival and have dinner and enjoy the events of the day.
To reiterate: weekend Masses are as follows ~
Saturday, August 24th, at 4:30 p.m. at St. Clement’s of Pellston,
Sunday, Aug. 25th, at 9 a.m. at St. Mary/St. Charles of Cheboygan,
& Sunday, Aug. 25th, at 11a.m. at Sacred Heart of Riggsville.
Assumption Masses 2024
To honor the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
join us at 6pm, Wednesday, 8/14, for a Vigil Mass, at St. Mary/St. Charles of Cheboygan; or
Thursday morning at 9am (on 8/15) for this day of Solemnity at Sacred Heart of Riggsville,
and/or later Thursday evening at 6pm at St. Mary’s of Burt Lake.
Sunday afternoon, August 25 – CPR Parishes 104th Festival at Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Riggsville
The CPR Parishes Festival at Sacred Heart Church of Riggsville will be held on Sunday, Aug. 25th, at the church grounds on Polish Line Rd.
This will be the 104th celebration of the annual Festival. A dinner of baked chicken & roast beef, with local garden vegetables & homemade pies for dessert, will be served from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm.
Dinners are $20 for adults & $6 for children ages 6-12, age 5 and under are free. Take out orders until 3:30 pm. There will be hourly 50/50 drawings, ending with the Big Raffle drawing at 3:00 pm, live music from Lucky Star polka band, bingo, kids’ games, country store, flea market and more. Flea Market tables are available at no charge for crafts, garage sale items, flowers, jewelry ,etc. Reserve a table by calling 627-2605.
The church is located on the corner of Polish Line Road & Church Road in Riggsville, Cheboygan County. Join us in celebrating our historical 104th festival with fun and fellowship for all ages!
~ Olive Wood Items available at CPR Parishes weekend of August 3 & 4 ~
Help our fellow Christians in the Holy Land…
On the weekend of August 3-4, our brothers and sisters representing the Land of Peace mission, a nonprofit organization, will be visiting our Parishes speaking about the Christians and the ongoing situation in the Holy Land. They will be selling Crucifixes, religious artwork, and rosaries- all made of olive wood which is native to Israel and Bethlehem- to raise funds to help support our fellow brothers and sisters. Since tourism has greatly depleted, Christian families in the holy land who depend on tourists have been greatly affected. The goal of this mission is to help the poor and needy families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Sales of these goods will help them very much, and also give you the opportunity to have something authentic from the holy land. Please browse and buy some articles. It is for a good cause and also a help to your personal devotion. Please visit their website:
First Friday – August
First Friday Devotions
August 2, 2024
at St. Mary/St. Charles of Cheboygan
Mass at 9:00 a.m.
Adoration with Exposition 9:30 a.m.—6:00 p.m.
Confession at 5:30 p.m.
Benediction & Evening Prayer at 6:00 p.m.