Download your copy of the July Growing in Faith
Category: News & Events
Congratulations Graduates
to CPR Parishes’ 2021 Seniors
to Bishop Baraga’s 7th Grade Graduating Class
Memorial Day – Honoring those who died in the Military.
June Growing in Faith
The June Growing in Faith:
Task Force Rummage Sale
Garage, Craft & Bake Sale
111 South “D” Street, Cheboygan Thursday, June 17th & Friday, June 18th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
As you are spring cleaning your house, garage, or shed please consider donating any clean & usable items for this sale!
Dishes, pots & pans, silverware, frames/framed pictures, knick-knacks, tools, books & jigsaw puzzles for all ages, linens, toys, craft supplies, canning supplies, furniture, lamps, sporting equipment, gardening tools, etc. Please NO clothing, shoes, TV’s, computers, monitors, printers, scanners, exercise equipment, encyclopedias, or mattresses.
For the Craft & Bake Sale we once again ask our many talented parishioners to donate homemade baked goodies/candies, home canned veggies/jams, and/or homemade craft items.
Wednesday, June 16th—8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Or call 231-627-4706 if you need to drop off earlier.
Proceeds to benefit St. Mary/St. Charles Task Force.
Memo regarding updated CDC guidelines.
Praise God that the CDC has issued new GUIDELINES regarding the pandemic. Bishop Hurley is currently seeking information and clarity and what it will mean for our churches, schools and Catholic life. As for now, he asks that all parishes maintain current protocols over the coming weekend until decisions can be made. Therefore, mask wearing, distancing, etc. will remain in place at the weekend Masses. Bishop Hurley has indicated that THE DISPENSATION FROM THE OBLIGATION TO ATTEND MASS WILL BE LIFTED beginning next weekend, Pentecost, May 29/30th except for those with underlying medical conditions that prevent them from attending Mass. Updates will be sent via this app as well as posted on the parish website as it becomes available. Thank you.
Spiritual Bouquet for Mothers
Give a Spiritual Bouquet Honoring Mothers
(living and deceased)
The Masses on the 30th of May will be for this intention.
The names of our mothers will be displayed in church, throughout the month of May, as well as listed in the May 30th bulletin.
Donation is $10 per name.
Deadline to submit names is Friday, May 21st.
Checks, along with the names you want honored, can be mailed to PO Box 40, Cheboygan, MI 49721, put in the mail slot at the parish office or in the offering boxes at church. If sending with your contribution please write a separate check and make payable to CPR Parishes.